Bachelor of Science in Education - 英语教育

我们的B.S.E. in 英语教育 Inspires

教育科学学士-英语教育学位专为希望从事教育专业学习的课堂教师而设计. 的 College of Arts and Sciences at Delta State awards the Bachelor of Science in Education degree, 我们为自己是密西西比英语教育的主要制作人之一而感到自豪.

英语教育学士学位课程是DSU最古老的学位课程. 自成立以来,我们一直在培训英语教育工作者,这是我们最擅长的事情之一. 完成该课程的学生将获得在密西西比州教授7-12年级英语的许可, and will be prepared to pass licensing standards in any other state. 我们为学生提供一对一的教师支持,并安排他们在当地学校跟随有执照的教师,以满足他们的学生教学要求.


Student-教师 Ratio


Program-specific Scholarships


Years of Combined 教师 Experience

Why Choose 英语教育 at DSU?

Students in class sitting at desks with notebooks open.

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的BSE英语教育学位课程将学生培养成为优秀的教育从业者和学者. We believe all students can learn and be academically successful. Learning is a lifelong and cyclical endeavor, and critical and creative thinking are essential skills for all learners. 教育的基本目的是教授基本技能,培养批判意识.S.E. DSU的英语课程为您提供了指导学生更好地理解书面文字所需的工具. 文学课堂中公平代表权的重要性和价值怎么强调都不为过, and our program ensures that all perspectives are considered.

  • Flexible and part-time course scheduling
  • Online and in-person student advisement
  • Publications Workshop
  • English Honors Society
  • Student-run 的atre Club
  • Student-run Newspaper
  • Student Literary Magazine
  • 一个student-only 写作中心
  • Accredited by CAEP since 1954

获得英语教育学士学位是我最值得的经历! 在这个项目中,我对教学的热情与日俱增, and I cannot wait to pursue my career at Brandon High School!


What Can I Do With a Bachelor’s Degree in

Our program prepares students to teach secondary English, and we give them the tools they need to feel skilled, 自信, and exceptionally equipped to manage their own classrooms. 毕业后, 他们将准备参加高级专业课程,如“为美国而教”和“密西西比教师核心”, or continue their studies through graduate programs in education, education administration, 和英语. Some of the most common jobs for graduates with this degree include:

  • Secondary/High School English Teacher
  • 课程 Developer
  • 文字编辑
  • Adult literacy educator
  • 私人教师
  • Educational Coordinator for nonprofit, museum, library, etc.

英语教育 Scholarships

语言文学系拥有该校最强大的奖学金项目之一. Students may be eligible for more than 15 discipline-specific awards. 大多数奖学金都是以成绩为基础的,有些有住宿要求或偏好. 学生也可能有资格获得非特定项目的奖学金机会.



Admission Requirements

Applicants of this program must meet Delta State University’s admission requirements.

Teacher Education Requirements:

  1. 3.0 GPA on overall coursework OR
    *ACT composite score of 21 OR
    *核心 passing scores on all 3 parts (reading, writing, and math)
    *Must maintain a minimum of 2.75 GPA on overall coursework with ACT or 核心
  2. Completion of CUR 300, CUR 302 or CEL 301 with a grade of C or better
  3. 初步部门推荐表格(包括正面性格分数)

Requirements to Internship Admission:

  1. Meet all requirements for admission to Teacher Education Program
  2. Complete application for admission to Teaching Internship
  3. Senior standing (minimum of 87 hours)
  4. 最低绩点2.75 on all coursework taken
  5. Prerequisite courses as shown in catalog completed
  6. 大多数教员的院系推荐(包括积极性格分数)
  7. Submit Score Reports for Praxis II Specialty/Content Area ad PLT (实习不需要通过考试,但必须参加考试并提交成绩)



英语教育 (主要的)

课程数量 科目名称 信贷
220年英格 Student Publications Workshop 3
304年英格 高级写作 3
309年英格 British Literature Seminar I 3
310年英格 British Literature Seminar II 3
312年英格 American Literature Seminar I 3
313年英格 American Literature Seminar II 3
435年英格 威廉莎士比亚 3
463年英格 African American Literature 3
总计 24

In addition to the course content, 在每门课程与ENG前缀,你会遇到一系列的作业和讨论,旨在提供一致性和脚手架,因为你的工作朝着程序的顶点项目, the Impact on Student Learning project and 两周单元计划. Below are descriptions and expectations for each:

  • 数码投资组合 的 digital portfolio is a collection of documents that you create, 收集, 并在你的学习过程中发表在WordPress博客上,作为你在该领域的成长和熟练程度的证据.
  • Annotated Bibliography – 英语教育专业的学生被期望成为教师学者,并确定他们毕业后想继续研究的学术探究领域.
  • Impact on Student Learning – 的 Impact on Student Learning project, 或ISL, 是KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载和密西西比州所有教育专业的共同评估. 这是一份反思性文件,应与提交给CUR 485和ENG 486进行评估的两周单元计划一起构建.
  • 两周单元计划 -两周单元计划评估旨在评估教师候选人有效计划教学的能力.


B.S.E. in Secondary Education English has a two-year, graduated series of clinical experiences beginning in the Junior year. 的 clinical experiences are scheduled as follows:

  • Junior Year Pre-Internship:
    • 所有候选人都将在大三的秋季和春季学期参加为期10周的预实习.
  • Senior Year Internship:
    • After a candidate match meeting (held at the end of each Spring semester), 教师候选人将与一名教师合作进行高级方法实习和指导教学实习. 候选人将从传统的观察开始,并在整个秋季学期中承担越来越多的责任, 最终接管了春季学期所有课程的教学.

For more information on 临床经验, visit the Office of 临床经验, Licensure, and Accountability.


要获得这个学位, you must successfully complete at least 120 credits, 包括你的通识教育要求和下面的专业要求.

通识教育 38-41
University Requirement 1
Special 学位要求 9-12
Professional Education 32
主要的 24
Electives or Advisor-approved supplemental endorsement 10-16
  • 满足KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载本科学位的一般要求.
  • 完成核心课程、专业实习时数和指定的选修时数.
  • Earn a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the major field and overall.
  • 在每门教育核心课程(CUR 300、393、EPY 341、CSP 340)中取得B或以上成绩.
  • Pass all Praxis Tests (Core, PLT, 和英语 Content).
  • 顺利完成指导教学实习及所有临床经验要求.

有关学位要求和完成学位所需课程的更多信息, consult the Undergraduate 学术目录. 有关如何在4年内完成该学位的学期细分,请访问 学术地图.



攻读教育学-英语教育理学学士学位的学生必须在教学前参加以下实践考试并支付费用. Scheduling and costs for tests can be viewed via the links below.
