Registrar's Office

Transfer Credit and Credit by Examination

学生可以通过从其他学术机构转学分的方式获得学分, military learning, and successful completion of certain standardized exams. KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载不授予体验式学习或非学分课程的学分,除了根据美国教育委员会发布的指导方针获得的军事经验学分.

Transfer Credit from Other Institutions

All academic credit is evaluated by the Registrar’s Office, employing the current standards and policies of Delta State University.  所有以前的学院和大学的正式成绩单必须转发到三角洲州的招生/注册办公室,并评估转学分. In order for Delta State to accept transfer credits, the credits must be earned at another accredited college or university. All transfer credits that are accepted by the University, including those earned while in high school, after high school, or after being admitted to Delta State, 被算作尝试学分和获得学分,并包括在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的成绩单上. 所有添加到三角洲州成绩单的学分将被评估,以确定课程是否满足学习计划的要求.  Delta State uses recognized sources that aid in the evaluation of credit.  这些指南是由美国教育委员会和美国大学注册和招生官员协会出版的.

If the transfer institution uses a 4.0 or modified 4.0评分标准,然后转移学分,并据此分配成绩.  Other grading systems are converted to the 4.0 scale.  Quarter hours are converted to semester hours by multiplying the hours by 0.67.  Community college coursework is accepted at the freshman and sophomore levels.  Although some community college courses may transfer as 300 level courses, those courses will not be used to satisfy junior or senior level requirements.  完成学位课程需要至少一年的居住或同等学历. A minimum of 25 percent of credit semester hours must be completed at DSU. 成功获得学士学位的候选人必须在过去30个小时中至少有24个小时在当地学习. 计划在大四期间在其他机构学习课程的学生应事先获得其指导老师的批准, Department Chair, and Dean.  必须提交学位修改,以便在最后30个小时内允许最多6个转学小时.  This regulation does not apply to students in medical technology, premedical, and pre-dental curricula. 除非学生正在攻读应用科学学士学位,否则技术课程通常不会获得学分.  Credit is not awarded for non-academic courses.

Community College Transfer Students

密西西比州立高等教育机构董事会和密西西比州立社区和初级学院董事会之间的衔接协议为计划从密西西比州的一所社区/初级学院转到密西西比州八所公立大学之一的学生提供了指南.  The agreement contains programs of study with courses appropriate for transfer.

MS Community College Course Transfer Guide – Coming soon!

International Transfer Work

国际成绩单必须经过认证,并通过世界教育服务翻译成英语, Inc. (WES), (Website:; email: ) or Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE), (Website: or SpanTran, (Website:  Contact International Admissions,, 1-662-846-4574, for assistance in ordering your international or domestic transcript.

Credit by Examination

最多30个学期的本科学分可以从以下来源获得:先修课程(AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate Program (IB), Cambridge International Exam (CIE), 军事学习(包括军事成绩单和DSST -以前的DANTES学科标准化考试), and correspondence courses.

AP Credit

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载将授予学生在其高中提供的大学入学考试委员会(CEEB)预修课程中获得3分或更高分数的学分.  Credit is not recorded until the student has registered for classes at DSU.  Any acceptable AP score may be used as elective credit, but only specific exams can fulfill DSU program requirements.  学生必须有大学理事会发给注册办公室的正式AP报告.  Please see the document below for courses for which credit may be awarded.  额外课程的学分可以在相关系主任和院长的批准下授予.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

大学水平考试计划或CLEP为任何年龄的学生提供机会,通过本科大学课程内容的考试计划来展示大学水平的成就. 在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载注册并取得以下CLEP考试学分文件中列出的分数的学生可获得科目考试的学分.  Any acceptable CLEP credit may be used as general education or elective credit.  学分对学位要求的适用性由相关顾问确定, chair and dean.  Students must send CLEP scores to the Registrar’s Office, Delta State University, 1003 W Sunflower Rd., Kent Wyatt Hall 152, Cleveland, MS 38733.

CLEP testing is available by appointment out of the Office of Continuing Education,, p: 662-846-4833.

International Baccalaureate Program (IB)

国际文凭(IB)官方成绩单必须发送到三角洲州注册办公室进行评估, award appropriate college credit, and articulate the specific college course satisfied by the IB exam. Students may earn 3 to 14 credit hours, per subject, depending on the subject and score obtained on IB exams. 出示IB文凭的学生可以在适当的学科领域获得至少24个特定课程的学期学分. 考试成绩低于4分的学生将不能获得大学学分.  注册办公室将根据相关系主任和院长批准的标准水平(SL)和高级水平(HL)考试授予学分.

Cambridge International Exam (CIE)

第一次进入三角洲州的学生可以在剑桥国际管理的考试中获得学分. Courses taken as part of the AS level or A level curricula will be considered. Students will receive subject area credit with an examination score of E or higher (A*, A, B, C, D, E).  Grades of CR appear on the transcript for courses in which Cambridge credit is earned. These courses do not affect grade-point averages. 这种信用对特定程度的适用性将由适当的院长决定. 参加CIE项目的学生可获得相关系主任和院长批准的学分.

Military Learning

服兵役的学生可以提交相应的军事文件,并获得兵役学校和活动的学分. 学生必须向注册办公室提交正式的联合服务成绩单(JST)或DSST分数.  注册办公室将把成绩单或分数发送给相关的指导老师,以审查学分的一般衔接. 任何学位要求课程的申请必须得到相关主席和院长的批准.  美国教育委员会的建议被用于确定授予的学分.